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Media Centre 2014

STB promises livelier and more interactive RWMF this year (TheStar)

By 9 June 2014January 21st, 2015No Comments

KUCHING: Some new elements will be introduced at the Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) this year to provide a more fun and interactive experience for visitors.

Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) chief executive Datuk Rashid Khan said one new concept was a theatre stage where two bands will perform every afternoon of the festival.

“Concurrent with this, workshops, ethno-musical lectures, jamming sessions and mini-concerts will still be going on in the afternoons,” he said when launching the MyTeksi mobile booking application here yesterday.

Another new element is the drum circle which will be held in the evening at the open lawn area of Sarawak Cultural Village, the festival venue.


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